We can help you achieve even the most audacious goals

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Our services and packages

Higher performance of athletes

The performance of our body will always depend on several factors. Leaving aside solid health, the main thing is undoubtedly quality training. Without him, we can hardly expect our performance to improve.

Today, however, it is clear that a second factor has a big impact on our performance, and that is a properly chosen diet. A body that plays sports has higher requirements for nutrient intake, both macronutrients and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Without them, or at low levels, our performance decreases with each successive hard workout. For us as athletes, it is then difficult to understand why the expected performances are not coming. That is why we offer you an effective combination of regular diagnostics and individualization of your diet. We will also be happy to consult with you about your training plans, but more in relation to the balance of energy and nutrient intake and expenditure. We don’t play at being one-size-fits-all coaches for any sport 😊.

So browse the services section from diagnostics to athlete packages and if you are interested, then all you need to do is arrange your first appointment.

The third factor affecting our performance is our psyche and willpower. If, during our cooperation, we notice any indication of the need for consultation with an expert in this field, we will certainly not conceal it from you. However, we currently do not provide any services in the field of psychology.

I want to lose weight

It is probably unnecessary to discuss why overweight, and in worse cases obesity, is one of the biggest and most common causes of health problems in today’s population. For many of us, obesity is also an aesthetic problem.

If you’ve clicked this far, we don’t need to waste any more time.

Yes, we are able to help you and we are happy to do so. But before you start choosing our services, we need to be clear about our approach to your weight loss. 😊

We work on the basis of a precise diagnosis of your organism. According to the results and your goals, we then adjust your diet and exercise regime so that you expend more energy and take in less, but at the same time we do not compromise the functioning of your metabolism.

That means we don’t offer any miracle diets, no super revolutionary shakes or supplements that make you lose weight in front of the TV. In the same breath, it should be added that we are working with new trends in nutrition. However, we only use procedures that have been validated by reputable studies.

We will design for you a diet rich in all the important nutrients and an exercise plan that will enable you to reduce weight more effectively over time. Without your help in the form of a certain change in eating habits and the addition of adequate exercise, it simply won’t work. However, we can guarantee that you will not suffer from hunger and you don’t have to worry that the pounds will come back quickly after the end of the program.

If this philosophy is close to your heart, then we are just a step away from starting our cooperation. Check out the services section, browse through it from diagnostics to our weight loss packages and make your first appointment. We look forward to 😊.

Muscle mass growth

Slow muscle growth is probably the most common topic in Czech gyms. Sure, if you want to grow, you have to work hard 😊, but one important thing is often forgotten.

For even the slightest increase in muscle mass, you need to provide your body with an “energy surplus”. If our body doesn’t have enough energy for its needs, it has no desire to build anything and will happily use protein from expensive supplements for simple energy production. He’ll just burn them. In such a case, when the body uses protein for energy (because it does not have enough carbohydrates and fat), the liver and kidneys are put under considerable strain, which have to work hard to break down protein.

I’m not saying this is the case for you, but if you think your muscles are growing slowly, then you need to start with the basics.

The most important thing is a detailed and regular diagnosis accompanied by an individualized diet plan. If we provide your body with enough energy and the right ratio of nutrients, then it will be up to you and your fitness commitment.

Check out our services from diagnostics to our packages. The ones marked SPORT or FIT & HAPPY will definitely suit you. If you decide to use one of our services, all you need to do is make an initial appointment.

I'm fit and I want to live healthy

You live healthy, you do sports and you feel good. But at the same time, you don’t want to rest on your laurels or neglect something in the future?

Make an appointment for diagnostics and a basic consultation, when we will go over your dietary and regime habits with you and compare the expected state of your organism with the results from diagnostics (analysis of body composition, analysis of the state of the vascular system and autonomic nervous system, or even a blood test focused on biochemical parameters of the organism). In the best case scenario, we will find that everything is as it should be, and for your well-being it will be enough to follow your current regimen and check the results of the re-diagnosis from time to time.

If we find areas in your diet that could be improved, it will be up to you whether you work with us to achieve such improvements or continue on your own. Of course, we are also ready to support you with one-off consultations on your chosen topic. For more information on consultation options, please visit the service page in

personal consultations section.

50 plus? So what?

Special nutrition and exercise program for people in their fifties and older.

You’ve turned 50, but you don’t see why that number should limit you in any way? In that case, it’s the right time to give your body everything it needs to function healthily.

And how do you find out what to actually give him? We will start with a physical diagnosis, stress and vascular system analysis and look at your blood parameters.

We will then create a diet plan that will help you to supplement macro and micro nutrients in a quantity and composition tailored exactly for you. We will focus on micronutrients that support bone mineralization, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve overall blood circulation, support the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs. We’ll make sure there’s enough fabric. that a body in its fifties may lack.

The movement plan will then help with weight control, improved fitness, sleep and a sense of overall satisfaction.

Fifty is really no reason to be in a bad mood. I know what I’m talking about 😊.


Body composition analysis on the InBody 270

Quick body composition analysis on the InBody 270 without consultation and explanation of results

The analysis includes a complete examination on the InBody 270 device – weight, percentage of muscle, fat, water and minerals, segmental analysis – determination of basal metabolism, analysis of visceral fat, intracellular and extracellular water, determination of biological age and other indicators of the state of the organism.

The output for the client is a report with the measurement results in paper or electronic form.

Body composition analysis on the InBody 270 with detailed explanation of the results

The analysis includes a complete examination on the InBody 270 device – weight, percentage of muscle, fat, water and minerals, segmental analysis – determination of basal metabolism, analysis of visceral fat, intracellular and extracellular water, determination of biological age and other indicators of the state of the organism.

All items listed in the measurement results report are clearly explained to the client and the client is advised of any risk factors arising from the measured results.

The output for the client is a report with the measurement results in paper or electronic form.

Analysis of the state of the vascular system and the autonomic nervous system on the MaxPulse device

The MaxPulse examination is very simple and completely non-invasive. The MaxPuls device works on the principle of plethysmography. Measurements are taken in a sitting position. We will put a small probe on your left index finger and within 3-5 minutes we will know the result.

Do you want to know more about the measurement principle of MaxPulse?

Blood test focused on biochemical parameters of the organism (SPORT and FIT packages)

Blood tests are performed in our partner laboratory. Before the test, ask for the customer code under which you will order in the laboratory. According to him, specific biochemical parameters of the blood will also be selected for analysis. We are primarily interested in the levels of minerals, vitamin B12, certain enzymes and hormones critical for proper metabolic function. The result of the test will be discussed at the next consultation within the SPORT or FIT packages.

Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure is measured with a standard digital blood pressure monitor with a flexible cuff. The measurement results appropriately complement the other analyses performed. In case of repeated measurement of an elevated or high value, the client is recommended to visit a specialist doctor (if he is not already undergoing treatment for hypertension).

MAX Diagnostics

A diagnostic package that includes body composition analysis on the InBody 270, vascular and autonomic nervous system analysis on the MaxPulse and blood pressure measurement at a discounted price.

Diagnostics SPORT

A diagnostic package that includes a body composition analysis on the InBody 270, analysis of the vascular system and autonomic nervous system on the MaxPulse, blood pressure measurement, plus a blood test focused on biochemical parameters of the body at a discounted price.

Diagnostics 50 plus

A diagnostic package that includes a body composition analysis on the InBody 270, an analysis of the state of the vascular system and the autonomic nervous system on the MaxPulse device, blood pressure measurements, plus a blood test focused on the biochemical parameters of the body of people in their fifties and older at a discounted price.

Preparation of nutrition and exercise plans

Initial consultation

During the initial consultation, we will introduce you to our approach and methods in detail. You will then provide your consultant with the necessary information about your current diet and physical activities. The initial consultation also includes a family history and other findings important for our cooperation. You will also discuss with us your planned goal and the time you want to achieve it. The result is then the selection of an appropriate diagnosis, its implementation and immediate development of the energy balance and the ratio of essential nutrients. The balance sheet also gives you a clear idea of the realistic time to reach your goal. This applies in cases of weight management or gaining muscle mass. In the case of improving sports performance, these are more like the first indicators of a possible further focus.

PFor maximum efficiency of the initial consultation it is advisable to provide a detailed record of 5-7 days (3-5 weekdays and 2 weekends) of your current diet.

If you are a client who is booking in advance, we are able to provide you with login details to the Nutri Data web portal where you can record your diet. If you work with another popular application (e.g. Calorie Tables), then you can share the output from that application with us.

It is also possible to provide us with the menu in MS Word or MS Excel format, or in another text/table format.

In case you do not manage to record your diet between the time of the appointment and the initial consultation, you will be asked during the initial consultation asked to deliver it. However, this will delay the development of your new nutrition plan by at least 1 week.

Evaluation of your current diet and exercise regime

Once your current diet is provided, the energy and nutrient values are compared to the results of the diagnostic and confronted with your goals. Your current exercise regime is also included in this analysis.

At that point, we have all the relevant information to design a new diet and exercise plan. In the case of athletes, we do not prepare a new movement plan, but we suggest suitable adjustments to your training plan. Of course, only if you as a client are interested 😊.

Preparation of an individual sample menu

An individual sample menu is prepared for 7 – 15 days according to the chosen package. Of course, it is possible to agree the number of days beyond the package directly with us.

One important fact must be mentioned here. The goal of the individual diet is not to dictate what you should eat on Monday and what you should eat on Wednesday. We all know that we are often in the mood for some food and strictly following the order of meals would not be very practical.

The Individual Sample Diet has one absolutely essential goal:


The distribution of meals within a day also gives a clear indication of the balance of energy and nutrient intake during the day.

By noticing the diet and using it, you will soon learn what foods and how much you can have during the day to meet your nutritional goals. We are always ready to help and advise you on the use of the diet and any modifications. If the diet didn’t suit you or you didn’t know how to eat according to it, it would be impossible to even get close to your goal, let alone achieve it.

Design of physical activities

Based on the information obtained during the initial consultation and diagnosis, we will prepare a balanced proposal of physical activities that will help you to move in the right direction, whether in the area of weight loss, gaining muscle mass, improving performance or achieving better body balance.
Each of you will receive an individualised calculation of the potential energy consumption of different sport/movement activities (picture below) and a suggestion of which activities you should do, for how long and how often during the week. We will also explain which sport is suitable for the purpose and why.

We will then discuss topics related to improving physical performance in various sports with interested athletes and clients. We will explain concepts such as heart rate, aerobic, mixed and anaerobic mode, lactate curve, muscle formation and growth, protein metabolism, energy processes in our body, etc.

zdravé hubnutí, vzor sportovních aktivit

Individual assessment of the suitability of nutritional supplements

We are not sellers of any brand of nutritional supplements, nor do we manufacture any supplements ourselves. Therefore, our only concern is that you know what nutritional supplements can do for you and whether it is even necessary to use these products in your case.
In general, it can be said that athletes can more easily and quickly replenish the nutrients they consume during training or competition thanks to nutritional supplements. In the same way, nutritional supplements can help with gaining muscle mass. However, it is always important to include them in the diet plan and to be sure that the body can use them at the moment.
We will therefore help you in deciding whether or not to take the supplements and also with the possible selection of a suitable product.

Personal consultation

One-off consultations for clients who do not want a discounted package of services

If you have your own plan for living healthy and feeling well, but still want to ask questions or consult an expert about your opinion, it’s no problem. Contact us either

phone or via our contact form

and we will be happy to help you. We can handle simple questions immediately and free of charge. Topics requiring a longer conversation and more information about your lifestyle will then be discussed at

a one-off paid consultation

. Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution together.

Regular consultations as part of our service packages

If you choose any of our service packages, you will find a given number of regular consultations, which are primarily for:

  • checking your progress regularly. By regularly performing proper diagnostics, we will know exactly if your body is responding to the chosen program the way we want it to.
  • to explain any changes in diet or exercise regimen depending on the state of your body (in case of changes in weight or muscle mass ratio, it is necessary to adjust the caloric and nutritional values of the diet)
  • any questions about nutrition, sports, general functioning of the human body that you can think of and will be important to you. We don’t pretend to be omniscient; if we don’t know the answer to a question, we certainly won’t lie to you. But we will try to get the answer and share it with you either electronically or at the next consultation

Our service packages

SPORT packages for increasing performance or gaining muscle mass

If we consider how long it takes our body to accept a change in nutrition or exercise and how long it takes to stabilize its metabolism after a weight loss regime, we have to admit that it does not make much sense to cooperate for only a few weeks in most cases.

If we really want a change for the better for our body and if we want to anchor this change in our daily life, then the minimum meaningful period of cooperation with our studio is 3 months and the recommended period of cooperation is 6 months.

This is also reflected in the settings of all our service packages.

But we will not force anyone to use these packages. If you are confident that you know how to do it and just need a diagnosis and a little consultation at the beginning, it’s no problem. You simply choose the service that represents the best path to your goal in your situation.


  • Duration of cooperation: 3 months
  • Basic/input consultation
  • 1 x diagnostics SPORT
  • 2 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and sports activities
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your training to achieve your goals (performance)
  • Preparation of an individual menu (7 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 2 x standard consultation (adjustment of the plan according to the actual results)

SPORT PLUS package

  • Duration of cooperation: 6 months

  • Basic/input consultation
  • 2 x diagnostics SPORT
  • 3 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and sports activities
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your training to achieve your goals (performance)
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • Preparation of an individual menu (10 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • 4 x standard consultation (adjustment of plans according to actual results)

Weight loss and body shaping packages

This paragraph is repeated so that it can be read by those who have accessed this section via the navigation button at the top of this page

If we consider how long it takes our body to accept a change in nutrition or exercise and how long it takes to stabilize its metabolism after a weight loss regime, we have to admit that it does not make much sense to cooperate for only a few weeks in most cases.

If we really want a change for the better for our body and if we want to anchor this change in our daily life, then the minimum meaningful period of cooperation with our studio is 3 months and the recommended period of cooperation is 6 months.

This is also reflected in the settings of all our service packages.

But we will not force anyone to use these packages. If you are confident that you know how to do it and just need a diagnosis and a little consultation at the beginning, it’s no problem. You simply choose the service that represents the best path to your goal in your situation.

Weight loss OPTIMUM package

  • Duration of cooperation: 3 months

  • Basic/input consultation
  • 3 x MAX diagnostics (every 6 weeks)
  • Evaluation of current diet and physical activity
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your weight loss goal
  • Setting up a movement plan to achieve your weight loss goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (7 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • 3 x standard consultation (adjustment of the plan according to the actual results)

Weight loss OPTIMUM package

  • Duration of cooperation: 6 months

  • Basic/input consultation
  • 5 x MAX diagnostics (every 6 weeks)
  • Evaluation of current diet and physical activity
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your weight loss goal
  • Setting up a movement plan to achieve your weight loss goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (10 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 5 x standard consultation (adjustment of the plan according to the actual results)

FIT & HAPPY packages for a good feeling and healthy lifestyle

This paragraph is repeated so that it can be read by those who have accessed this section via the navigation button at the top of this page

If we consider how long it takes our body to accept a change in nutrition or exercise and how long it takes to stabilize its metabolism after a weight loss regime, we have to admit that it does not make much sense to cooperate for only a few weeks in most cases.

 If we really want to make a change for the better for our body and if we want to anchor this change properly in our daily life, then the minimum meaningful period of cooperation with our studio is 3 months and the recommended period of cooperation is 6 months.

This is also reflected in the settings of all our service packages.

But we will not force anyone to use these packages. If you are confident that you know how to do it and just need a diagnosis and a little consultation at the beginning, it’s no problem. You simply choose the service that represents the best path to your goal in the given situation.


  • Duration of cooperation: 3 months
  • Basic/input consultation
  • 1 x diagnostics SPORT
  • 2 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and physical activity
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your exercise regime according to your goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (7 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 2 x standard consultation (adjustment of the plan according to the actual results)

FIT & HAPPY PLUS package

  • Duration of cooperation: 6 months

  • Basic/input consultation
  • 2 x diagnostics SPORT
  • 3 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and sports activities
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your exercise regime according to your goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (10 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 4 x standard consultation (adjustment of plans according to actual results)

50 PLUS packages

This paragraph is repeated so that it can be read by those who have accessed this section via the navigation button at the top of this page

If we consider how long it takes our body to accept a change in nutrition or exercise and how long it takes to stabilize its metabolism after a weight loss regime, we have to admit that it does not make much sense to cooperate for only a few weeks in most cases.

 If we really want to make a change for the better for our body and if we want to anchor this change properly in our daily life, then the minimum meaningful period of cooperation with our studio is 3 months and the recommended period of cooperation is 6 months.

This is also reflected in the settings of all our service packages.

But we will not force anyone to use these packages. If you are confident that you know how to do it and just need a diagnosis and a little consultation at the beginning, it’s no problem. You simply choose the service that represents the best path to your goal in the given situation.


  • Duration of cooperation: 3 months
  • Basic/input consultation
  • 1 x diagnostics 50 +
  • 2 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and physical activity
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your exercise regime according to your goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (7 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of natural sources of important micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, active substances)
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 2 x standard consultation (adjustment of the plan according to the actual results)


  • Duration of cooperation: 6 months
  • Basic/input consultation
  • 2 x diagnostics 50 +
  • 3 x MAX diagnostics
  • Evaluation of current diet and sports activities
  • Setting up an eating plan to achieve your goals (body composition, performance)
  • Suggest possible adjustments to your exercise regime according to your goal
  • Preparation of an individual menu (10 full days) in accordance with the meal plan
  • Recommendation of natural sources of important micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, active substances)
  • Recommendation of appropriate nutritional supplements if the client is interested
  • 4 x standard consultation (adjustment of plans according to actual results)

Healthy living days for companies

A number of studies show that employees of companies that provide prevention and education on health and healthy lifestyles are less sick, more satisfied and their performance is continuously higher.

That is why our services include lectures and workshops for companies.

Healthy Living Day is usually designed in two blocks. The first one is a lecture on healthy nutrition and its impact on our lives (about 60 minutes + 20 minutes of discussion). However, it is also possible to arrange other topics in the field of nutrition. The second block is then devoted to the diagnosis of body composition, and possibly the diagnosis of the vascular system and autonomic nervous system for individuals. The output is diagnostic reports with a short recommendation for the employees who participated in the diagnostic. The maximum capacity within the diagnostic block is 8 employees/hour.

The price of corporate worlshops always depends on the specific requirements of individual customers (companies). We will prepare a quotation based on your requirements.

Gift vouchers

We issue gift vouchers for all types of our services. You simply choose what service you want to donate. You also have the option of specifying only the amount you wish to donate and leaving the choice of the specific service up to the donor. 

It couldn’t be simpler. Click on the “SHOP NOW” button and start shopping just like in other e-shops. You can pay by card, bank transfer or in person at our Radost house.

If you have specific wishes regarding the information on the voucher, please write them in the notes in the order or contact us (email, phone, contact form). We will be happy to customize the voucher to your liking.

Don’t hesitate, choose the most suitable service for your loved ones or the amount you want to give them and order your gift voucher now in our e-shop.

Start with us today

The patented DSM BIA and DSMF BIA technology allows you to take accurate measurements regardless of gender, age, disease or ethnicity. This technology does not, like other BIA devices, use empirical estimation. Thanks to InBody devices, you can have a clear overview of where exactly you have reduced body fat or gained muscle mass.

The BIA, or bioelectrical impedance analysis, has been used by scientists since the 1960s. of the last century. It is based on the principle of a mild – almost imperceptible to humans – alternating current on the body. In response, the instrument receives and evaluates called. impedance index – electrical resistance of tissues. From it, calculate the proportion of water and the remaining structures in the body.

InBody: the world’s first commercial body composition analyzer

While the first BIA devices gave only approximate results and required correction using statistical values, InBody can measure the composition of individual body parts of a specific person very accurately. It uses advanced multi-frequency measurement (DSM-Bia). It measures this directly without using statistical variables by age or gender.

InBody was introduced in 1996 by Dr. Cha as “the world’s first commercial body composition analyzer”. Today it is used and recognized by experts in nutrition, sports and overall healthy lifestyle. It is also used in clinical research based on monitoring changes in body composition.

Advantages of InBody measurement:

  • Extremely accurate results
  • Easy and painless use of the device
  • Within about 15 minutes you will find out your current body composition and an estimate of potential risks

inbody pointer

Sample of part of the InBody test results

For more accurate results, experts recommend stripping down to your underwear, but this is not necessary.

TIP: It is best to come to the measurement on an empty stomach. However, this is not a requirement either. Repeated measurements should be made under the same conditions.

The pulse (=pulse) wave is a phenomenon occurring (due to the elasticity of blood vessels) when the heart contracts and expels a volume of blood into the systemic circulation. This creates a pressure wave in the vessel wall, the speed of which is many times greater than the flow of blood. The speed of its spread depends mainly on the elasticity of the vessel wall, which can be reduced due to the deposition of fat particles (atherosclerosis). The smaller the elasticity, the greater the pulse wave velocity and the greater the demands on the heart (which overloads the heart in the long term).
Pulse waves differ not only in their speed but also in their shape. The pulse wave consists of two main components. The first of these is caused by a systolic pressure wave, which arises from the expulsion of blood from the left ventricle through the aorta and its distribution to the peripheral regions. The second component consists of the reflection of the pulse wave (the reflection occurs e.g. on vascular branches). When the blood volume rises in systole, more light rays are absorbed, so fewer light rays reach the photodiode than in diastole, when absorption is lower.
The shape of the pulse wave is influenced by a number of factors such as age (with age, the stiffness of the vascular wall increases and elasticity decreases), gender, body height, physical fitness and heart rate.
Thus, pulse wave analysis is used as a method to assess the state of blood vessels, cardiovascular and other diseases and their development.

Complete information about MaxPulse can be found at

Inbody’s website

Do not move or speak during the measurement.
– Relax 10 minutes before measuring, do not exercise.
– Don’t exert yourself and breathe regularly. Refrain from slow breathing during the measurement.
– Hold the probe at the level of your heart.
– Keep your eyes open when taking measurements.
– For arrhythmia and heart disease, consult the measurement with a doctor.
– Measurements are recommended in the morning.
– Do not smoke, take medication or drink coffee 3 hours before the measurement.
– Do not drink alcohol the day before the measurement.
– Take off accessories (rings, watches) before measuring.
– Do not take measurements after a meal.
– The measurement should be carried out in a quiet and comfortable room (room temperature 22℃~26℃).

The results of the analysis will be fully explained to you in detail. We will then forward them to you in paper or electronic form.